Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Second day - 30 Days of Six Feet Under

Day 02

Q: What was your initial reaction to the show? When did you "fall in love" with it?
A: My initial reaction? Oh, gosh, it would be hard to explain.
OK, let me show you. What will you think if you see something "like these" in first 15 minutes of the pilot?

ps: It really happened. And.. actually there's a lot more.. but I guess that's enough.

Well... my reaction is "what the f*** happened to this show?"

And by the end of the pilot, I was tired of asking " what the f*** happened to this show?". And by the end of the pilot, I fell in love instantly to the Fishers craziness lol <3.

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

First day - 30 Days of Six Feet Under

Day 01:
Q: Who is your favorite character and why?
A: Honestly, can I choose? I love all Fishers (include Nathaniel, Sr, for sure :p) members and Chonewith as well. They are different and unique. They are very awesome and well-writen. But.. since I need to choose one.. I'll do it anyway.

David Fisher - played by Michael C.Hall.
OK, he's sometimes over-the-top. Sometime's he become some kind of "drama queen". Sometime's he's so control freak (Ruth, that's your gen! :p). But I simply love him since.. I could relate his problem to me. I could relate his personality to me. It's so easy to see myself on him. And with every problem he has, he is still "innocent" in my eyes. He's still that little boy -- that I just love from the pilot. And heck, he's funny as well too :)

honorable mention: Brenda Chonewith (Rachel Griffiths), Claire Fisher (Lauren Ambrose), Nate Fisher (Peter Krause). Since I think they need some mentions :)

30 Days of Six Feet Under

taken from tumblr. But since I don't have tumblr, so.. let me post here ^^.

Day 01 - Who is your favorite character and why?
Day 02 - What was your initial reaction to the show? When did you “fall in love” with it?
Day 03 - Least favorite character. Why?
Day 04 - Favorite episode.
Day 05 - Favorite season.
Day 06 - Favorite opening death sequence.
Day 07 - Favorite supporting/reccurring guest character.
Day 08 - Your favorite Claire boyfriend.
Day 09 - Brenda, Lisa, or Maggie?
Day 10 - Favorite quote or conversation.
Day 11 - Favorite character-on-drugs scene
Day 12 - Your favorite Ruth relationship.
Day 13 - Scene/episode that made you cry the most.
Day 14 - Favorite funeral.
Day 15 - Favorite dead-person-talking-to-alive-character scene.
Day 16 - How did you find out about the show? Why did you start watching it?
Day 17 - Story line you didn’t enjoy or that made you angry/upset.
Day 18 - The character arc or character development you liked the most.
Day 19 - Best piece of artwork Claire did.
Day 20 - Best acting. Either from a specific actor/actress, or a scene you think demonstrated talented acting.
Day 21 - Favorite Brenda and Nate scene.
Day 22 - Character you could relate to the most.
Day 23 - Favorite Claire and Ruth scene.
Day 24 - A scene that made you laugh.
Day 25 - Favorite David and Keith scene.
Day 26 - Favorite Ruth moment.
Day 27 - Best singing sequence.
Day 28 - How would you compare Six Feet Under to other television shows?
Day 29 - Has Six Feet Under changed your view on life and death? Has it changed your view on anything else?
Day 30 - For Six Feet Under fans, what other shows do you suggest or what other shows do you enjoy?

*sorry if you are disturbed on the next 30 days later*

"Why do people have to die?"

OK, pertanyaan ini jadi sering muncul karena banyaknya musibah.

Di Indonesia sendiri, udah banyaaaak banget musibah menimpa negara kita akhir-akhir ini. Banjir, gunung meletus, tsunami, dan lain-lain. Kita tentu sebagai warga Indonesia ikut sedih dan berdoa kepada para korban. Rasanya, kita tidak bisa membayangkan di posisi mereka, iya kan?

Dan ini selalu membawa saya pada pertanyaan anak-kecil yang.. jujur akan sangat susah dijawab.

"Why do people
have to die?"

Yah, saya tahu, pertanyaan ini dudul sekali. Seakan-akan saya tidak percaya sama Tuhan atau gimanaa gitu. Tapi saya cuma pengen nanya aja.

...tapi, entah kenapa, saya jadi teringat sama sebuah quote tentang hal ini.. yang setiap dibaca selalu memberi jawaban yang "pas" di hati saya.

"To make life important"

-Nate Fisher, Six Feet Under (Knock,

ps: baca deh postingannya Dinda tentang #prayforIndonesia

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

The Emo-Lady.

Help, I have done it again,
I have been here many times before
Hurt myself again today,
And the worst part, there's no-one-else to blame

Yay. Saya sedang emo.

Enggak tahu, swinging mood saya yang aslinya aja udah buruk, jadi makin parah. Padahal perasaan jadwal PMS masih lama. Haha :p. Saya juga gak ngerti kenapa saya jadi rada-rada emosional dan labil gini -- sampai-sampai saya yang gak pernah nangis kalau nonton TV (paling berkaca-kaca, lah), kemarin bisa nangis mewek pas "The Heroes In The Hold"-nya Bones.. padahal adik saya (yang biasanya lebih gampang nangis) malah cuma berkaca-kaca.

..mungkin saya cuma berada di puncak-puncak kestressan saya aja. Mungkin saya memang cuma butuh menangis. Mungkin saya cuma butuh memplongkan hati selama berbulan-bulan.. merasa lelah. Dan tertumpuk sampai sekarang.
Saya hanya butuh waktu bernafas. Sebentar. Sebelum akhirnya saya bisa bertarung lagi, kan?

Warm me up,
and breathe me

by the way, ini waktu yang pas buat nonton Everyone's Waitingnya Six Feet Under :p.
dan lirik yang saya quote itu dari lagu Breathe Me-Sia

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

My Alter-ego on Fictional's Work

An alter ego (Latin, "the other I") is a second self, a second personality or persona within a person, who is often oblivious to the persona's actions. It was coined in the early nineteenth century when dissociative identity disorder was first described by psychologists. A person with an alter ego is said to lead a double life.
Pertama-tama: Tenang saja, saya tidak mengalami kepribadian ganda, kok. Saya normal kok :). Alter-ego yang saya maksud di sini itu adalah orang (tepatnya karakter) yang miriiiip banget sama saya, alias mengambil makna harafiahnya: the other I.

Udah, langsung aja, deh.

1. Noda "Nodame" Megumi.
from Nodame Cantabile (anime/manga) by Tomoko Ninomiya.

Dia..bener-bener mirip banget sama saya ^^. She's like my inner self. She's weird, she's a heavy sleeper, she loves eat, she use strange words (ex: gyabo, mukya, ugya, mugya, etc). Ah, dia bener-bener tipe cewek yang cacat parah, persis seperti saya. And she is loved by everyone! Dan.. satu hal yang paling mirip diantara saya dan Nodame:

Saya dan Nodame adalah orang yang spontan dan kalau udah suka sesuatu kayak kesetanan, tapi ia (dan saya) kadang juga merasa... patah arang.
Mungkin bedanya Nodame sama saya, dia menunjukkan keanehannya secara publik, tapi saya gak seberani itu dalam mengeksposnya. Plus, dia sangat berbakat piano, gak kayak saya, nilai pas-pasan.

2. Peggy Olson.

from Mad Men (TV) by Matthew Weiner

Ah, she's my independent lady!

Peggy Olson sendiri adalah seorang pekerja keras. Ia adalah satu-satunya copy-writer wanita di Sterling Cooper Agency pada tahun 60-an, yang berarti dia harus berusaha ekstra keras untuk membuktikan bahwa dirinya mampu. Ia sendiri seseorang yang keras kepala, feminis, tapi juga innocent. What a lady <3.>

T-tunggu sebentar. Dimana kemiripan saya sama Peggy?

Saya dan Peggy sendiri adalah orang yang punya kemauan yang besar dan keras kepala. Juga, yah.. saya dan Peggy masih cenderung "polos".

3. Claire Fisher.
from Six Feet Under (TV) by Alan Ball.

Coret kehidupan seksualnya dalam perbandingannya dengan saya. Karena saya masih polos soal beginian.. sementara Claire... *geleng-geleng kepala*

Tapi, untuk sisi "remaja labil"nya yang lain, mirip banget.

Claire sendiri.. ya, kayak remaja-remaja normal, sedang dalam masa pencarian jati diri. Mencari sesuatu yang berharga dalam kehidupan remaja ini, gak cuma terjebak dalam sekolah dan hal-hal klise lain. Mencari-cari sementara terkadang dia berbelok ke jalan yang salah. Dia sendiri juga seorang dengan jiwa seni yang tinggi, sehingga.. yah, seperti kebanyakan seniman lain, dia juga seseorang yang cenderung lebih labil dan gundah daripada orang lain. Kemiripan saya sama Claire sendiri yang paling mirip adalah:

Saya dan Claire sama-sama gundahaaan banget. Dan memiliki jiwa "seni" yang bikin lebih.. labil.

Bedanya? Err, mungkin saya gak seekstrim Claire dalam pencarian jati dirinya. Saya gak sampai kesandung narkoba, berpacaran dengan orang-orang yang "ajaib", dan lainnya.

4. Sara Crewe
from A Little Princess (book) by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

Ah, ini tokoh pertama yang membuat saya merasa: ih, ini kayak saya, yak!

Sara Crewe sendiri adalah seorang anak bangsawan dari India yang bersekolah di sebuah asrama terkenal di Inggris. Ia sendiri boleh dibilang seorang gadis yang manis, baik, pintar, cantik, dll.

Lha, dimana mirip sayanya, ya? Sara sempurna gitu.. sementara saya.. cacat :p.

Kesamaan saya dengan Sara sendiri berasal dari satu kata, imajinatif. Kami sama-sama seorang yang suka berimajinasi.

Sudah, segitu dulu. Thanks.

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

DVD-DVD yang saya beli

Saya sendiri di rumah sedang kebanjiran dua hal:
1. Buku bacaan novel bahasa Inggris (bapak saya lagi rajin beliin yang kayak beginian, :) )
2. DVD acara barat (ini sih anaknya yang maksa, wkwkwk)
Diantara yang banjir ini, manakah yang paling banjiiir?

Jawabannya, DVD bajakan. Maklum, saya beli di Mangga Dua. Satu DVD, lima ribuuu~, tancep aja :D. Mana banyak acara-acara "nganeh-nganehi" yang enggak mungkin saya ketemuin di tempat lain lagi (kecuali Glodok, mungkin :p) saking memang kurang "mainstream".. atau udah kelamaan. Sementara buku, sebanjir-banjirnya, tetap aja... satu buku mahalnya minta ampun. Apalagi kalau beli edisi hardcover (nah lho malah curhat).

Dan acara-acara yang tidak beruntung sehingga terpaksa saya beli adalaaaah.....

Breaking Bad
(AMC, 2007 - now)
buying: 3 seasons, 8 disc.
resume (based from the back of DVD):
Breaking Bad is a darkly comic drama that captures life at moment of irrevocable change. In the ultimate mid-life crisis, high school chemistry teacher Walter White takes a match to his straight-laced existence and concocts a criminal new lifestyle. Life become crystal clear for Walter when he discovers he is dying of lung cancer. With a new sense of fearlessness and desperate to secure his family's financial future, Walter teams up with a former student to turn a used Winnebago into a rolling meth lab. Released from the daily concerns and constrains of normal society, Walter transforms from repressed everyman into empowered enterpenteur
cast: Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, Anna Gunn, Dean Norris, Betsy Brandt, RJ Mitte, Bob Odenkirk, Giancarlo Eposito, Jonathan Banks.
reason to buy this DVD: I usually heard from webs that this show is damn good. So I give them a try. And... Bryan Cranston is always, always, always being announced as the "Outstanding Lead Actor in Drama" in every single Emmy, so I wonder what's so good about him until he make a very,very,hard three-peat (when all the nominees are striking out, IMHO)
have watched it?: The Pilot. And I know exactly why Bryan Cranston got his Emmy just by watch it. I guess I'll stick to this show <3.

buying: 1 seasons, 7 disc.
resume (based from the back of DVD):
Dawson Creek's Joshua Jackson plays the role of Peter Bishop, a smart guy with many gambling debts. Anna Torv (The Secret Life of Us) plays Olivia Dunham, a young, tough FBI agent who has to confrong an unexplained phenomenon. Also cast in the series are The Black Donnelly's Kirk Acevedo and Boston Legal's Mark Valley. They play FBI agents. The Lord of The Rings: The Return of The King's John Noble and The Wire's Lance Reddick are also on the cast: Noble as Dr. Walter Bishop and Reddic as Philip Broyles, a special agent for Homeland Security head of the Fringe division, that investigates terrorist and paranormal effects. Alongside of them are veteran actress Blair Brown and Take the Lead actress Jasika Nicole. Brown plays Nina Sharp, a 16-year veteran of Prometheus Corp., a cutting-edge research facility, while Nicole plays Astrid Farnsworth, a federal assistant.
cast:Anna Torv, John Noble, Joshua Jackson, Lance Reddick, Kirk Acevedo, Blair Brown, Jasika Nicole, Mark Valley
reason to buy this DVD: My online friend suggest it. And my friend said that it's similar to Bones ( a show which I liked), but they add some sci-fi. Sounds intresting.
have watched it?: No, not really. But soon, I'll try. Hey, the creator is also making Lost... so I have quite a big hope

Mad Men.
(AMC, 2007 - now)
buying: 1 seasons, 4 disc.
resume (based from the back of DVD):
It's New York in the 1960s, and the men and women who work at Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency are some of the top names in the industry. Master manipulator and leading ad man Don Draper is at the top of his game, but there are those sho want to see him topple down. Can he mantain his formidable status?
cast: Jon Hamm, Elizabeth Moss, Christina Hendricks, January Jones, Vincent Karheiser, Kiernan Shipka, Emelle.
reason to buy this DVD: I actually watched it at FX. After a few tries, I kinda like this show... but the time slot is suck. I am usually still outside my house at 6 PM.
have watched it?: I haven't watch the DVD, but I have watch Fife G and Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. And tell me, it is boring, unless you really, really understand it. But when you understand it, you'll love it. And by the way, have I mentioned how beautiful the series is?

Six Feet Under
(HBO, 2001-2005)
buying: 5 seasons, 24 discs.
resume (based from the back of DVD *on first season*):
A drama series that takes darkly comical look at members of a dysfunctional Pasadena family that runs an independent funeral home. With the prodigal elder son (Peter Krause) returning home for the holidays to shattering news, the family must learn to deal with death of their own, while figuring out how to go ahead with the business for a living. A funny and emotional look at grieving American family... that just happens to be in the grief.
cast: Peter Krause, Michael C. Hall, Frances Conroy, Lauren Ambrose, Freddy Rodriguez, Matthew St.Patrick, Rachel Griffiths.
reason to buy this DVD: See the second name on the cast? Yeah. That's my reason, and the suggestions from web that said: "a dark drama". And I love dark drama!
have watched it?: On my way to season 3. And I loved it, really. The casts are super-awesome, no wonder they win Outstanding Cast On Drama on 2002 and 2003 . And.. yeah, I love the "dark bite" :). And you know what? After watching this, I want to see Peter Krause's Parenthood. Seriously.